Key to Dots on Threads

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  Some open panicles have just a few small "seeds" (spikelets) dispersed on relatively long narrow branches. I call these "Dots on Threads." Many Panicum (Panic Grasses) and Muhlenbergia (Muhly) species are good examples. Others include Dichanthelium species. There is a possible confusion with Eragrostis species, the Lovegrasses. Lovegrasses have tiny spikelets but they are spearhead-shaped rather than round.

Short Delicate Annual Muhly

Muhlenbergia minutissima
Annual Muhly
Tiny Dots, Tiny Grass


Panicum capillare
Medium dots, Medium Grass


Panicum virgatum
Larger Dots, Large Grass

Messy Bush Muhly

Muhlenbergia porteri
Bush Muhly
Elongate Dots, 1/4 inch awns