Koeleria macrantha


Field view of Koeleria macrantha or Junegrass

Field view of Koeleria macrantha, common name Junegrass.

Reddish Spike-like Panicles of Junegrass

When young, Junegrass takes a spike-like form which sometimes looks reddish in certain light.

Shiny Junegrass Seedhead

In sunlight the "spike" shines visibly, usually golden but green when young.

The Shining Spikes

Close view of the spike-like seedheads.Young green spikes can be merely one-sixteenth inch wide.

The Open Panicles of Prairie Junegrass

One can pull apart the seedheads, showing that they are branched. The spikes will typically open in June.

Closer View of Wild Oats

Here are the open panicles of Koeleria macrantha. When open, they are still quite narrow.

Closer View of the Open Panicles

The open panicles are quite narrow compared to most, and have a characteristic shiny "look."

A Stand of Junegrass

A typical stand of Junegrass in pine needle duff.

Close View of a Panicle

The panicle is narrow and shaped like a spear point. The branches have a rather clumped appearance.

Closer View of the Seedhead

The seedhead in anthesis--you can see the tiny anthers exposed, spreading their pollen.

Two Panicles

The clumped appearance of the panicles.

The Roots of Junegrass

Koeleria macrantha is perennial, which you can determine from rhizomes and from the bushy base of the plant, with previous years' brown leaves.

How to Identify Junegrass

  Before opening into panicles, the shiny spike-like seedheads in the sun are fairly diagnostic. The narrow shape and especially the shiny gold of the open panicles, with their clumped branches, are sufficient when learned. Most Junegrass panicles taper evenly to a nice point at top compared to those of its look-alikes. Junegrass is a cool-season perennial bunchgrass. Also, its spikelets are quite thin and pointy, and densely clustered along the branches.

Similar Species

  Many grasses have spike-like seedheads a few inches long in the spring. Best bet is to learn the characteristic shiny look and the shape of Junegrass, both in spike-like early growth and the opened panicle later. Soon you will be waiting for it in June. The Junegrass panicle is about 6-8 inches tall. Similar grasses include the following:
  Poa fendleriana (Muttongrass) is less shiny and its panicle is only about 2-4 inches tall. Muttongrass has the top leaf blade (if one exists just under the panicle) very short, less than one half inch, unlike Junegrass.The Muttongrass seedhead is more irregular in shape compared to Junegrass, with branches more likely to stick out to the sides. Muttongrass matures in May, and is usually dry and dead by the time Junegrass blooms.
  Poa bigelovii (Bigelow's Bluegrass) is similar to P. fendleriana and even more disheveled.
  Sphenopholis obtusata (Prairie Wedgegrass) has its lower glume much narrower than its unusually wide and inflated upper glume (use hand lens). Junegrass glumes are narrow.